Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 41

Daniela-Lima: Meet Rocco!! My beautiful and super-trained dog
Jennifer - Toronto:  Enjoying my roses . . .
Cindy-Illinois:  The only boat in the marina on this gray winter day.
Tatiana - Prague: Walking to a play date enjoying the view of the trains.
Gonzalo - Madrid: driving throught Paseo de la Castellana


Project Exposure - 2013 said...

Nice to see how our pictures "go" somewhere. Gonzalo's forward, Tat's to the left and Cindy's to the right! Love the "lines". We are even kind of synchronized today!

Bob and Cathy said...

A transportation theme today. Love how that happens by chance.

Cindy said...

Daniela, what a cute dog!!

Cindy said...

Jen, Beautiful roses!!

Cindy said...

I didn't even notice that there was a transportation theme until you pointed it out. I should have posted a picture of a plane. Then we would have had planes, trains and automobiles!